1. What are two boys' names?
1.Nick and Paul.
2.Tom and Jack.
3.Sam and Bill.
4.Sid and Sam.
2. Where are they sitting?
1.They are sitting on the bench.
2.They are sitting on the beach.
3.They are sitting at school.
4.They are at the beach.
3. Who sang a long song first?
1.Sid sang.
2.Bill sang.
3.Sam sang.
4.Nick sang.
4. Who sang slower and softer?
5. What did Sid sing?
1.A pop song.
2.An old song.
3.Sid did not sing.
4.A new song.
6. What do they do together?
1.They have a race.
2.They sing a song.
3.They played the piano.
4.They played the band.